Will play drums for beer!!!

20.04.2009 07:24:18 aizsāka dmk
11 komentāri Komentēt var tikai reģistrētie lietotāji, komentārus redz visi lietotāji. reģistrēties vai ielogojies!
dmk, 20.04.2009. 07:43:17
Komentāra reitings: 9.774

Hello youngsters and oldies! Me myself is a pretty experienced drummer with my own set of skills and whatever drum stuff i might need, looking for a non-metal band. It might be rock-crossover-funky-jazzy or whatever experiments you're into, but definitely NOT one of these hairy blacky leather growling blasting type of bands, no offense to metal folks, I'am just not into it.
From your side I expect at least 1.5-2 year instrument experience, musical literacy and will to progress, ability to groove or at least understanding of what is drive and grooove, fresh ideas and positive-open minded personality.

dmk, 20.04.2009. 07:45:40
Komentāra reitings: 11.278


mcx, 20.04.2009. 18:29:58
Komentāra reitings: -6.795

i will play drums for a spliff..anyone ?? :) (zažigaismaidiņš)

dmk, 20.04.2009. 20:04:08
Komentāra reitings: 5.395

If you'll find someone for spliff let me know, I could do some percs there.. ;)

spontanuss, 20.04.2009. 21:10:27
Komentāra reitings: 5.336

where do you - dmk come from?

dzēsts lietotājs, 21.04.2009. 00:15:45
Komentāra reitings: 11.127

spontanuss - Cik noprotams DMK nāk no nevienas citas valsts kā mūsu pašu Latvijas.


spontanuss, 21.04.2009. 05:53:08
Komentāra reitings: 8.207

Nu ok, tik nesaprotu nahren tad jārunā angļu valodā!? :D Es jau domāju, ka kaut kāds ārzemnieks, kas apmeties Latvijā, tāpēc jautāju no kurienes īsti!

kampy, 21.04.2009. 06:26:24
Komentāra reitings: 16.39

moš sekstūrisma princips: runāju angliski-sievietes/grupas uzreiz mani grib.

simply_the_best, 21.04.2009. 12:51:51
Komentāra reitings: 4.337

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY8jaGs7xJ0 shito es veltu dmk If You're Into It!

spontanuss, 21.04.2009. 17:57:19
Komentāra reitings: 4.3

Kur esi spēlējis, dmk!?

dmk, 22.04.2009. 07:03:22
Komentāra reitings: 7.179

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